Ministering: Pastor E. A. Adeboye
Theme: The Walls Must Come Down
Text: Exodus 12: 30 – 36
The worst thing about being in prison is that the prisoner can’t come out.
Being in prison is like being a fish in a pond. No matter how wonderful the pond is, the fish is walled in.
• They feed the prisoner and take care of them when they’re sick, but they have no freedom.
• When you’re in slavery, you can’t take care of your children. Exodus 1
• You can’t worship God the way you want.

When Jesus died on the cross, the wall that separated us from God was broken.
Ephesians 2: 12-16
God Himself tore the curtain separating us from Himself.
☆ Nothing can be worse than a separation between us and God.
° When we eat the bread, we eat a bit of His flesh.
° When we drink the wine, we’re drinking a bit of His blood.
We’re not just touching God, we’re partaking of Him. We can then boldly say that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
It is therefore dangerous to take the Holy Communion unworthily. It is a very sacred meal.
Salvation Call
If you haven’t surrendered your life to Jesus, ask the Lord to have mercy on you, forgive your sins, wash you clean with His blood, and save your soul.
Prayer Points
• When you eat the bread, pray that every wall between you and the Almighty God must come down immediately.
• As you take the wine, claim your freedom from satan and say, “Thank You, Father, freedom at last.”