Day 3: Evening Session | Holy Ghost Congress 2024
Topic: Subdue Sickness and Disease
Text: John 10: 35
The Bible tells us that death is our enemy. 1 Corinthians 15: 26
The one who controls death is satan. And sickness is a vehicle to death. Hebrews 2: 14
☆ The Lord is the greatest Physician. Exodus 15: 26
° He made us (John 1: 1-3), and so it is easy for Him to heal us, and He is willing to do so.
° He can heal by sending His word.
° He has made abundant provision for our healing through His stripes.
1 Peter 2: 24, Mark 5: 25-34

° Doctors can fail, but God can not fail.
° Angels can fail, but God can not fail. John 5: 2-9
° Men can fail, but God will never fail. Matthew 17: 14-18
☆ He can never fail because He is the God of all flesh, and there’s nothing too hard for Him. Jeremiah 32: 27
° He can raise the dead
° He can revive dead bones
¤ The enemy knows that a sick soldier is out of action. If he can’t kill you immediately, he can make you sick. When you’re sick, you’re out of action.
- If a soldier is dumb, they can’t cast out demons.
- If a soldier is deaf, they won’t hear what the commander is saying.
- If a soldier is blind, how can they go to war?
- If there are problems with a soldier’s hand, how will they fight the war?
How will you lay your hands on the sick if something is wrong with your hands? Psalm 18: 34
- How can you ask a soldier to match forward if there’s something wrong with their legs?
☆ It is in the interest of our Commander-in-Chief that we be whole.
We are His soldiers.
He wants us to match on for Him.
He wants us to obtain victory in His name.