February 2022 Holy Communion Service
Theme: Miracles
Ministering: Pastor
Text: 1 Corinthians 11:23-25
In the olden days, before Christianity came to Africa, our forefathers had their doctors whom we call herbalists. Traditional doctors as you may call it. If someone was desperately sick in those days, these people go to the doctors.
They would be asked to bring some animals, the dress of the sick person, on getting all the requested items, they take it to the middle of the road in the night.
Any fellow who is is outside at this time in the night would see these items and after the night crawl, the fellow dies and the sick fellow will be healed.
The elders say they have substituted the life of the fellow for the sick person. They learnt this from God. Proverbs 11:8, It’s called the law of substitution.
Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den. Daniel 6, the enemies of Daniel were substituted in the den.
Jesus carried our sins so that His stripes would produce Healing for us. 1 Peter 2:24, He was our substitution. As soon as His wine, which is His blood enters us, we are anew. Leviticus 17:11, 1 John 4:4 The ability to overcome the devil becomes available. Revelations 12:10
The Holy Communion is a miracle meal, It is a meal of substitution. As soon as you drink the wine, every demonic action in your life is substituted, when you drink the wine, you get victory over the devil.

Tonight, you are not coming for an ordinary meal, you are coming for a miracle meal. Just as the meal can heal and give victory, taking it unworthily can kill and bring destruction; do not take the Holy communion if you are not fully committed to God.
If you are still living in sin or finding it hard to forgive and you want to surrender your life to Jesus, come to Him tonight before you take this meal.
He will wash you clean and receive you. Ask Him to have mercy on you, promise Him that from now on, you will have nothing to do with the devil.
When you take the bread, you’ll pray and say “Father I transfer all my sickness, disease and aches to you, please take them away.”
When you take the wine, you’ll command everything that belongs to the devil to get out of your life.