Ministering: Pastor E. A. Adeboye
Topic: The Size of God
Text: Isaiah 66:1
We can see the influence of God everywhere. Psalm 139:1-12
We can consider His influence:
• In Heaven
• On earth
• Underneath the earth
• His influence in Heaven. Psalm 115:1-3
° Heaven is His throne
° His influence in Heaven is absolute. He can choose to open the windows of Heaven as He pleases.
° His influence is in the heavens.
Psalm 103:20; Isaiah 37: 33-37.
° The Lord is called the Lord of Hosts because He is the commander-in-chief of the Host of Angels.
• His Influence on Earth
We see God’s influence on the following:
- rain. Joel 2:23
- the waves and sea. Job 38: 8-11; Mark 5: 34-41; Numbers 11: 31-32
- animals.
1 Kings 13: 1-25; Numbers 22; Jonah 1:17, Matthew 17:24-27; Luke 5:1-7;1 Kings 17:2-6

• His influence on the Earth
Psalm 24:1
° The fullness of the earth belongs to God.
° All the treasures of the world are His.
° God’s influence under the earth also covers forces of darkness.
° Even the devil must take permission from God before doing anything on earth.
☆ True influence is when your Word is Law.
Psalm 62:11; Isaiah 55:10-11; Luke 7:1-10
☆ One word from the Lord is enough to change your life’s story
Case study: Blind Bartimaeus
° It only takes one word from God.
° One word and years of stagnancy turned to promotion.
° Just one word from the Almighty God, and sickness disappeared.
☆ If God walks by you today, you will have influence in every area of your life.
Salvation Call
Invite the Lord Jesus into your life if you haven’t. Ask Him to forgive your sins, wash you clean with His blood, and save your soul.