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Glory Ahead – By Pastor Adeboye.

January 2025 Holy Ghost Service
Ministering: Pastor E.A Adeboye
Text: Isaiah 3: 10

☆ What is Glory?
The opposite of glory is shame.
Proverbs 3: 35
‘Glory Ahead’ means no more shame for you. Joel 2: 26-27

☆ ‘Ahead’ means somewhere in the future.
A man’s life comprises the past, present, and future.
Hebrews 13:8

‘Glory Ahead’ means something beautiful and worthwhile in the future. Isaiah 3: 10

Why am I sure help is on the way?

▪︎ The Bible tells us that God is monitoring all that concerns you.
(Hebrews 12:2) and He is the hope of glory in you (Colossians 1: 27).

▪︎ It doesn’t matter how sick you are now, if you’re still breathing, you shall be well.

Your healing has been paid for. 1 Peter 2: 24
You can not die until Jesus says so. And He won’t say so yet because He needs you here on earth.

There is a link between glory and holiness. The wise is the one who hears the word of God and does it. If you’re still living in sin, let today be your day of salvation and turn to holiness.

Glory Ahead’ means no more shame for you.
‘Glory Ahead’ means something beautiful and worthwhile in the future.

Why am I sure help is on the way?

The Bible tells us that God is monitoring all that concerns you, and He is the hope of glory in you.
Your healing has been paid for. 1 Peter 2: 24
You can not die until Jesus says so.

It doesn’t matter how poor you are now, it takes only one miracle from God. It takes less than 12 hours for sorrow to become joy.

🙏🏽I decree over you; long before the end of this month, your joy will overflow.

In the Name of the One Who said silver and gold are mine, this year, you will leave the company of the poor.

Thank God for the ability to sleep.
There are certain things we take for granted until we hear the testimonies of others.

  • Thank God for safety from kidnappers.
  • Your voice is not gone. Thank God.
  • Thank God for me, your pastors, and yourself. You don’t know how many times the devil tried to take your life but God kept you.

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