Topic: Accelerated Promotion
Text: 1 Samuel 2: 7-9
What you will become on earth does not totally depend on your efforts.
Struggling does not make you rich.
‘Promotion’ – lifting up
Ecclesiastes 9:11
>> That you can run doesn’t mean you will win.
>> That you’re strong doesn’t mean you’ll defeat the enemy.
>> That you’re intelligent doesn’t mean you’ll have bread to eat.

‘Accelerated’ means rapid rapid (rapid²)
Therefore, promotion is in categories:
• Steady promotion.
+ Isaac sowed and grew steadily.
Genesis 26: 1-14
• Rapid promotion.
+ David moved from potential king to king of Judah to King of Israel.
1 Samuel 16: 11-13, 2 Samuel 2: 1-4, 5: 1-5
Examples of Rapid Promotion
+ Joshua. Joshua 1: 1-9
He moved from minister (servant & messenger to Moses) to leader over Israel.
+ Solomon. 1 Kings 1: 1-49
☆ When the Almighty God gives you the kind of promotion that you’re not qualified for, it’s called an accelerated promotion.
+ Joseph. Genesis 41: 1-44
God took Joseph from prison straight to the palace; from prisoner to Prime Minister.
To understand the meaning of accelerated promotion, you need to understand its opposite – accelerated demotion.
+ Nebuchadnezzar was demoted from king over a great empire to beast that was eating grass.
By the mercy of God, he was restored back to the throne. Daniel 4
☆ God is a consuming Fire. No matter how anointed you are, you don’t toy with fire.
☆ You need to learn humility. You need to learn that there is a God Who can lift up and pull down. It is not by your ability that you’re still alive today.
Salvation Call
If you haven’t given your life to Jesus, ask the Lord to have mercy on you, forgive your sins, wash you clean with His blood, save your soul and give you a brand new beginning.
Prayer Points
1. Ask the Lord to please forgive you if you’ve been proud and forgotten that promotion comes from Him
2. Thank Him that you’ve not been demoted such that you’re eating with animals.
3. Father, beginning from now, please accelerate my promotion.