February 2021 Divine Encounter
Theme: God Bless You part 2
Text: 2 Chronicles 1:6-12
Preacher: Pastor Adeboye
God made birds to fly.
He made fishes to swim.
He put man on the earth to walk.
Genesis 2:7-8
In the Name that is above every other name, that which is considered impossible shall become possible for you today.

If you want to fly materially, you must do certain things. They are;
1) You must dream big.
In the Name of the One who made heaven and earth, all your dreams shall come true.
Joseph dreamt.
1 Samuel 17:22-27
David dreamt big.
From now on, stop dreaming small. The bigger your dream is, the happier God will be.
2) Believe God for the impossible.
Tell your mind “don’t leave God out of the equation”.
Jeremiah 32:27
Luke 1:37
Mark 9:23
To make you fly materially is not impossible for God.
3) Ask God for big things.
2 Kings 2:9-15
4) You must be willing to do what nobody has done before.
I’m praying for someone here today, your commitment to God will become so deep that nobody will catch up with you.
When you do what nobody has done before, God will do for you what He has not done for anybody before.
If you have not surrendered your life to Jesus, please do so now.
Prayer Point
Father, I must begin to fly, I’m tired of crawling, walking and running.