Ministering: Pastor E. A. Adeboye
Theme: Divine Touch
Text: Proverbs 13:22
☆ Abraham was greatly blessed. Genesis 24: 34-35
- But Isaac was very, greatly blessed. Genesis 26: 12-14
- Jacob was exceedingly great. Genesis 30: 41-43
- Joseph became even greater
☆ Abraham enjoyed a divine touch. Genesis 12: 1-3
- God called him out of a congregation of idol worshippers and chose him for Himself.
- God knows the end from the beginning.
God knew Abraham. Genesis 18: 17-19 - He knew Abraham would train his son in the way of the Lord. Genesis 22: 1-18
- Are you training your children to honour you?
Exodus 20:12 - Are you honouring your own parents?
- Isaac had been taught total submission to his parents, even unto death.
He had been taught total surrender to God. - If God prospers you, will you surrender to Him?
- God is able to bless us abundantly, but He knows what we will do with that prosperity.
- If you are a worshipper, God will seek you out.
- If you’re a sower, what you sow is what you will reap.
☆For you to be great and for your children to be greater:
- You must learn to be hardworking
- You must learn to worship God in spirit and, in truth
- You must learn to sow
- You must learn to surrender totally to God.
Salvation Call
If you’ll come and lay humbly at the feet of the cross, Jesus will save your soul.
Ask the Lord to save your soul, wash you with His blood, write your name in the Book of Life, and make you His.