72nd RCCG Annual Convention
Day 3 – Evening Service
Topic: The Power of Sanctification
Ministering: Pastor E. A. Adeboye
Text: 2 Timothy 2: 20-21
I discovered that God is more interested in the fruit of the Holy Spirit than the gifts. Matthew 7: 15-21
You can have all the gifts, perform miracles, signs, and wonders, yet not be known by God on the last day. Matthew 7: 22-23
Steps of Faith. Ezekiel 36: 24-27
- Selection
- Salvation
- Sanctification
- Baptism of the Holy Spirit
▪︎ Salvation is easy to measure; it won’t be long before people begin to notice.
- Your name changes to ‘child of God’.
- Your accommodation changes. You begin to attend church rather than clubs.
- Your responsibilities change, and you begin to witness for God.
You can’t be born again and keep it down.

▪︎ When you’re baptized in the Holy Spirit, it’s easy to see.
- You’ll speak in tongues.
Unfortunately, sanctification is difficult to measure; it’s a matter of the heart. A heart of stone is changed to a heart of flesh.
- Salvation is the foundation of the house
Baptism in the Holy Spirit is the roof
Sanctification is the walls.
It is possible to have a foundation, dodge the walls, and get to the roof, like our auditorium here.
That is why many Christians jump sanctification.
- Sanctification makes living holy easy because the heart you were born with (Jeremiah 17:9) is desperately wicked.
Luke 6: 45, Matthew 15: 19, Proverbs 4: 23
Sanctification has another meaning – set apart for God’s use.
- The vessel that is sanctified is the one meets and is set apart for the Master’s use.
- To be sanctified is to be God’s favourite.
- When you are sanctified, you become set apart for God.
No demon, no devil has the audacity to tamper with you because you are a favorite of God.
☆ The power of sanctification is embedded in this intimacy with God.
- When you are truly sanctified, you have an intimacy with God that other casual Christians don’t have.
Numbers 12: 5-8
▪︎ When you are sanctified, you begin to hear what others can not hear. John 13: 21-30
The favourite wife must be without blemish.