July 2024 Divine Encounter
Ministering: Pastor E. A. Adeboye
Text: Genesis 26: 12-14
Refueling means:
That which you have been doing and has brought about your progress, continue to do.
- Isaac
Genesis 26: 12-14
Isaac kept on refueling and kept with the law of harvest. - Of all the laws of God, probably the most powerful is the law of harvest. God sowed His only begotten son that Jesus might become the first of many brethren.
- Isaac sowed the first year and reaped a hundred-fold.
In the 2nd year, he sowed a hundred more seeds than the first. - At the end of the 2nd year, Isaac would have reaped 10,000 fold compared to when he started.
- The evidence was very visible for others to see.
Genesis 26: 16

🙏🏼 This month, I’m convinced that for someone in particular, God is going to perfect that which concerns you.
- Isaac sowed and reaped so mightily that he was mightier than a nation.
God is the One Who controls prosperity. He is the One Who gives increase.
If only you knew the secret of the law of the harvest, nobody would beg you to give.
- Solomon.
2 Chronicles 1: 6-15, - The first time, Solomon sowed and sacrificed 1,000 cows.
- In 2 Chronicles 7:5, he had increased and sacrificed 22,000 cows and 120,000 sheep.
☆ You’re not a fool if you’re trading with God. Nobody trades with God and suffers a loss.
☆ Try it yourself – keep refueling, keep sowing.
And when you begin to harvest, you’ll get to a stage where you’ll say, “God, is this not becoming too much?”
☆ Holiness simply means whatever God says, I do.
It is not possible to be holy and die poor.
☆ Do what God asks you to do, and He’ll take care of the rest.
When you obey Him, He takes over.
And He knows how to solve problems.
Salvation Call
If you haven’t surrendered your life to Jesus, you’re cheating yourself.
If you haven’t given your life to Jesus or would like to rededicate your life to Him, ask the Lord to have mercy on you, forgive your sins, wash you clean with His blood, and save your soul.
Lift up Your offering to God and say,
- Father, let this offering be the least I’ll ever give to You.