Topic: Let It Rain
Ministering: Pastor E.A Adeboye
Text: 2 Chronicles 7: 13-14
What is Rain?
- Water falling from heaven in several drops.
In the spiritual realm, rain is associated with:
• Blessings. Ezekiel 34:26
• God’s pleasure. Deuteronomy 28: 1-3
• Divine supply. Amos 4:7, Exodus 16:4
Rain leads to surplus.
• Fruitfulness. Isaiah 55:10
• Lack of rain is a curse; it is a sign that God is displeased.
Deuteronomy 28: 14-24, 11:17
Rain is symbolic of:
- Hope
- Restoration. Job 14: 7-9
- Divine favor. Proverbs 16:15
• God is the Controller of rain. Jeremiah 5:24
When He gives rain, He gives it moderately. Joel 2:23
Why moderately?
If the rain is too much, it would cause flooding. Genesis 17
We need rain and so we need to contact the One Who gives rain, to give it to us appropriately.
1 Kings 8: 35-36
How to pray tonight:
▪︎ Start with praise. Psalm 104, 22:3, John 4: 23-24
▪︎ Confess our sins.
Specifìc Prayer Points.

That God would:
- Rain healings on us.
- John 5:2-9, Mark 5: 25-34, Matthew 8: 14-17
- Rain abundance on us all.
- Rain mercy on us. Ephesians 2:4
• A drop of mercy can turn the situation around, and cause one’s prayer to be answered instantly
- Mark 1: 40-45, 10: 46-52
Matthew 15: 21-28
• Your success is only because God has decided to be merciful unto you.
Romans 9: 15-16, Matthew 14:14
- Rain power on us all. Psalm 62:11, Isaiah 40: 28-31
- Acts 2: 1-4, 5: 12-16
- Rain joy on us.
There’s no scarcity of joy in God’s presence. Psalm 16:11
- Luke 7:11-15, Mark 5: 35-43, Acts 8:5-8
For it to rain, heaven must open.
‘Let it rain’ therefore means let us operate under open heavens.
Matthew 3: 6-17, Acts 10:38
Salvation Call
For the heavens to open, you have to be one of God’s own.
To surrender your life to Jesus, ask the Lord to have mercy on you, forgive your sins and save your soul.