February 2021 Shiloh Hour
Theme: God Bless You part 2
Bible Text: Genesis 1:28
Preacher: Pastor Adeboye
Father, today concerning your children who are trusting you for the fruit of the womb, please surprise them this year.
You shall be fruitful!
You shall multiply in the mighty name of Jesus.
In the Law of priority, what is most important to you is what you do first.
When God wanted to bless man, His first blessing for them was “Be fruitful” and then “Multiply”.

In Gen 2:1-3, we see that after the Almighty finished His work of creation, He rested. He gave man the power to be fruitful because He was done with the job of creating.
When God destroyed the world in the time of Noah, he preserved some people and animals in Noah’s Ark because He wasn’t going to create another. That was why after the flood, He reiterated to them “be fruitful and multiply”.
Your prayer this morning will be “Father, let Your will for my life be done”. The will of God for you is that you be fruitful and multiply.
When God wants to do His will in your life, nobody, no witch, no family problem, not even you can stop Him.
Any obstruction to the fruitfulness of your children, Father please uproot it right now.
Whatever cannot be repaired, Father please replace it.
Father, please when Your children cry to you, answer them by fire in Jesus Name.
Prayer Point
Father, let Your will be done in my life. Your will for me is that I should be fruitful and multiply, please let Your will be done in my life.