April 2021 Holy Communion Service
Theme: God Bless You part 4; Blessed Fruits
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 28:1-4
Preacher: Pastor Adeboye
Some people cannot excel in life because their seeds have been cursed from birth. In Gen 49:8-10, we see that some children have been blessed before birth.
In the lineage of Gehazi, we discover that every child born into that generation was born with leprosy.
In Exodus 12, we see that the children of Israel ate a particular meal called the Passover meal. It was the meal that took them out of bondage.
In Numbers 14:31, we see that their children ate the same meal and it got them into the promise land.
The people of Israel never got into the promise land with their children.

If you will do according to the will of God, you can enter the promise land with your children.
The meal you are about to take tonight is not for you alone, it is for you and your children.
As you take the meal tonight, it will erase every curse in your life.
Just as Samson was blessed from the womb, when you drink the wine tonight, you are drinking to bless your children unborn.
As you drink the wine tonight, you are equipped with the power of the holy ghost afresh.
I appeal to you tonight, do not drink the wine unworthily.
If you have not given your life to Christ, please cry unto God tonight to save your soul so that you can partake in tonight’s communion.
Prayer Points:
As you eat the bread, cry unto God and say: Father, I am standing for my family tonight, as I eat, please make me whole and make all my children whole too.
As you take the wine, you will cry unto God and say: Father, I stand as a representative of my family, please empower me and my children so that we will be able to enter into the promise land.
Father, please empower me and my children so we will finish well and finish strong.